Quake 3 single player
Quake 3 single player

These things don't have to be taken so seriously. Play as the Quake ranger, and hell, I wouldn't even mind it explicitly tying into the Doom universe. Instead think of it as a sequel of sorts that happens to inject a bunch of awesome ancillary stuff we haven't seen yet. And just don't fret too much that it's similar to the Doom reboots. Get the gothic horror architecture in there and like you said, maybe design the levels more like non-linear labyrinths like Q1 instead of the more linear fare the Doom reboots have. And get strafe jumping in there (maybe the only thing in Doom Eternal that feels decidedly un-Quake-like is the relatively slow movement speed). It can be a sibling to Doom: Eternal, share lots of the same DNA but then you'd obviously have a new arsenal of weapons (to some degree, it's pretty funny how Quake and Doom have been stealing each other's weapons back and forth for the last 25 years), get the lightning gun in there, the nailgun, railgun, revamp all the old enemies in the same way they did for Doom. Like Doom Eternal is basically Q3A sprung to life as a AAA SP game and it's fucking glorious. Like I don't see it get mentioned much, but it's no wonder why Doom 2016 and, to an even greater degree, Doom Eternal take arguably more inspiration from Quake than Doom. It's paced fantastically, is never confusing to navigate and I rarely get lost like sooooo many FPS of that era. Art style is fantastic (even if it's a frankenstein of gothic medieval horror and industrial sci-fi, it somehow all works together cohesively), sound design still sounds great - meaty and iconic SFX mixed with, finally, the NIN music back in the game.

quake 3 single player quake 3 single player

The movement is just that good, and the feel of the weapons is perfect. It hasn't really aged at all and is just as enjoyable to play as any of the modern throwback shooters.

quake 3 single player

I kind of feel that way about Q2, but Q1 honestly plays the best out of any of the classic id games, maybe better than any of the 90s PC FPS altogether. I'll never wrap my head around people who say that Quake SP is just a flashier poor man's Doom and only really good for MP.

Quake 3 single player